The toughest shot to get is always the one with the “most eyeballs.” So when we have multiple families coming together, I try to get that most difficult photo done as early as possible in the session. Especially if there are little ones that may end up in tears or just not having it – at some point during the shoot. I met this family near The Oval on the Stanford campus – a great location as it is photographer-friendly and has lots of interesting architectural elements / settings to use. When you have a group this big, though, you aren’t exploring a bunch of different settings all over the place. You pick one central location you can do most of the photos at, and have nearby locations within easy walking distance for when you break the shoot down to the individual families. It’s also hard with these large shoots to include a bunch of candid photos since there’s so many permutations of different groups we want to accomplish – but I still managed to get a few in-the-moment shots in-between the more formal posed groups.
